Give your projects their best chance

Independent checks keep projects on track

Project health checks save time and money

It is well known that the cost of correcting an issue is many times the cost of preventing it.

Emerging project problems can go undetected or be ignored because the project team has faith that if they just follow the plan the benefits will materialise. At an enterprise level, conducting external checks on a sample of projects enables common issues and non-compliance to be captured and resolved in a cost-effective way and applied to future projects.

Catalyst Change are experts in cpnducting project reviews

Conducting Health Checks

Project Helth Checks are best undertaken by independent assessors who are free from internal politics and can provide a balanced view.

Additonally. recommendations of independent assessors are more likely to be accepted and acted upon. The last thing you want to do in a health check is to wander in and just start poking around in a random fashion.

Catalyst Change's assessors will use a structure approach such as the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) and will take the organisation's unique nature into account and its project management and delivery methodologies.