We are all operating in a rapidly changing world

Catalyst Change helps people thrive during periods of change

People are the lifeblood of any organisation

Projects and programs fail when people aren’t ready for change.

We work with you to design programs of work situated within your business strategy and desired culture. We work with you to deliver to your busiess purpose and work with leaders to align to delivery strategy and execution.

Our process starts with an initial assessment of people, culture, leadership and engagement and we work with you to design a change program to engage, develop and in invest in your people to deliver to your business needs.

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Catalyst’s Change's role is to enable successful change by using the right strategy for your business. We design and deliver methods and techniques to ensure alignment across your business to sustainably deliver lasting change, based on our experts’ real-world experience and knowledge of best practice.

It is estimated that up to 70% of change programs fail to deliver the expected or required benefits (McKinsey)

A transformation is likely to 5.8 times more successful at Organisations where CEOs and Sponsors communicate a compelling change narrative (McKinsey)

Digitising the change journey helps hybrid working teams participate in the change process and brings personal meaning to change activities – driving engagement.